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Wrinkle Pens

The most effective promotional product money can buy.

Hanger Holders

The most effective promotional product money can buy.

Wrinkle Pens

The most effective promotional product money can buy.

Hanger Holders

The most effective promotional product money can buy.

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  • "I see the hanger holders I give out come back again and again. That's just awesome." -- Alvin H., Eagle Laundrette
  • "Wrinkle pens made my business roar from opening day out. There's just nothing like 'em."  -- James R., Mark's Dry Cleaning
  • "The wrinkle pen is the only promotion I tried that actually got people in the door." -- Bert S., White Orchid Cleaners
  • "Competition is tough. This gives us the edge." -- Jeannie, Vancouver Cleancorp
  • "The hanger holders are what makes us stand out from the crowd." -- Carla M., Paris Cleaners
  • "All of my best customers love the hanger holders." -- Jesus D., Fresh Press
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Water Bottles

Everyone loves these. Promote your business with these stylish water bottles!

Water Bottles

Price Per Unit

Bottle Colors: White, Frost, Black, Yellow.

Push/Pull Lid Colors: White, Black, Granite, Red, Royal Blue, Yellow, Pink, Clear, Translucent Red, Translucent Blue, Translucent Green, Translucent Purple, Translucent Aqua.

Flip Top Lid Colors: White, Royal Blue, Red, Black, Neon Green, Clear, Translucent Green, Translucent Red, Translucent Blue, Translucent Orange, Translucent Yellow, Translucent Smoke, Translucent Purple.

Straw Tip Lid Colors: White, Black, Red, Royal Blue, Translucent Red, Translucent Blue, Translucent Green.

Price includes all setup charges. Nominal shipping charges apply.


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